5 methods to Improve your SCA Combat Training w/Duke Tomuki

5 methods to Improve your SCA Combat Training w/Duke Tomuki

In this episode of 5 Methods to SCA Heavy Combat Training, we present Duke Tomuki. Tomuki has 34-36 years of fighting experience, within the first 18 months of fighting he won Crown. 10 years later he became a Duke. He feels the sum of his SCA Combat skill comes from his merciless dedication of 1,000 shots at the pell, literally everyday, along with his journals and unrelenting dedication to writing in them after every notable fight. Duke Tomuki's 5 methods are: 1- Commitment 2- Knowledge and Understanding 3- Ambition and Drive 4- Patience 5- Consistency I hope you enjoy this EPISODE of 5 Methods to SCA Heavy Combat training!

Duke Tomuki
Martial Arts - Heavy Weapons